
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Fight inflammation with food

Inflammation is part of the bodies immune system. When inflammation is out of control, it can damage the body. Foods with sugar and saturated fat can spark inflammation. We all know inflammation leads to breakouts and makes them worse, as well as other skin conditions. So lets chat about the foods that reduce inflammation. Hit the grocery store and stock up on these items:

-olive oil
-green leafy veggies (spinach, kale)
-nuts like almonds and walnuts
-fatty fish (salmon, tuna,sardines)
-raw oats
-green tea
-dark chocolate
-red peppers
-black beans

Those are some of my favorites that are easy to add into your diet. Smoothies & juicing can be amazing for reducing inflammation & can combine several anti-inflammatory foods. What are your favorite anti-inflammatory foods? Email me at to chat more.